Results for 'Olubukola James Ojo'

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  1.  29
    Mathematical Model of COVID-19 Pandemic with Double Dose Vaccination.Festus Abiodun Oguntolu, Mayowa M. Ojo, Afeez Abidemi, Hasan S. Panigoro & Olumuyiwa James Peter - 2023 - Acta Biotheoretica 71 (2):1-30.
    This paper is concerned with the formulation and analysis of an epidemic model of COVID-19 governed by an eight-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations, by taking into account the first dose and the second dose of vaccinated individuals in the population. The developed model is analyzed and the threshold quantity known as the control reproduction number R0\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\mathcal {R}_{0}$$\end{document} is obtained. We investigate the equilibrium stability of the system, and the COVID-free equilibrium (...)
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  2. Social structure and the effects of conformity.Kevin James Spears Zollman - 2010 - Synthese 172 (3):317-340.
    Conformity is an often criticized feature of human belief formation. Although generally regarded as a negative influence on reliability, it has not been widely studied. This paper attempts to determine the epistemic effects of conformity by analyzing a mathematical model of this behavior. In addition to investigating the effect of conformity on the reliability of individuals and groups, this paper attempts to determine the optimal structure for conformity. That is, supposing that conformity is inevitable, what is the best way for (...)
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    Causation with a human face.James Woodward - 2007 - In Huw Price & Richard Corry (eds.), Causation, Physics and the Constitution of Reality: Russell’s Republic Revisited. New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is the relationship between, on the one hand, the sorts of causal claims found in the special sciences (and in common sense) and, on the other hand, the world as described by physics? A standard picture goes like this: the fundamental laws of physics are causal laws in the sense that they can be interpreted as telling us that realizations of one set of physical factors or properties “causes” realizations of other properties. Causal claims in the special sciences are (...)
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    Demographic and endocrinological aspects of low natural fertility in highland New Guinea.James W. Wood, Patricia L. Johnson & Kenneth L. Campbell - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (1):57-79.
    SummaryThe Gainj of highland Papua New Guinea do not use contraception but have a total fertility rate of only 4·3 live births per woman, one of the lowest ever recorded in a natural fertility setting. From an analysis of cross-sectional demographic and endocrinological data, the causes of low reproductive output have been identified in women of this population as: late menarche and marriage, a long interval between marriage and first birth, a high probability of widowhood at later reproductive ages, low (...)
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    Christology of Hegel.James Yerkes - 1983 - State University of New York Press.
    James Yerkes undertakes a systematic exploration of the full range of Hegel’s works to discover what philosophical, religious, and historical significance Hegel attributed to the Christian witness that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ.
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    Linguistic puzzles and semantic pretence.James A. Woodbridge & Bradley Armour-Garb - 2009 - In Sarah Sawyer (ed.), New waves in philosophy of language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 250-284.
    In this paper, we set out what we see as a novel, and very promising, approach to resolving a number of the familiar linguistic puzzles that provide philosophy of language with much of its subject matter. The approach we promote postulates semantic pretense at work where these puzzles arise. We begin by briefly cataloging the relevant dilemmas. Then, after introducing the pretense approach, we indicate how it promises to handle these putatively intractable problems. We then consider a number of objections (...)
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  7.  20
    Radical Cosmopolitics: The Ethics and Politics of Democratic Universalism.James D. Ingram - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    While supporting the cosmopolitan pursuit of a world that respects all rights and interests, James D. Ingram believes political theorists have, in their approach to this project, compromised its egalitarian and emancipatory principles. Focusing on recent debates without losing sight of cosmopolitanism's ancient and Enlightenment roots, Ingram confronts the philosophical difficulties of defending universal ideals and the implications for ethics and political theory. In morality as in politics, theorists have generally focused first on discovering universal values and second on (...)
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  8.  30
    Exercise Performance and Corticospinal Excitability during Action Observation.James G. Wrightson, Rosie Twomey & Nicholas J. Smeeton - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  9.  70
    Sketch of some themes for a pragmatist philosophy of science.James Woodward - unknown
    This paper sketches one possible form that a pragmatist philosophy of science might take. It defends general philosophy of science, although not in the form it has traditionally taken, and along with this, a focus on methodology as a legitimate concern for philosophers of science. Connections are made between some classical pragmatist themes and issues in contemporary philosophy of science. My intention is to be provocative.
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  10.  65
    Why do people cooperate as much as they do?James Woodward - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This paper makes use of recent empirical results, mainly from experimental economics, to expore the conditions under which people will cooperate and to assess competing explantions of this cooperation. It is argued that the evidence supports the claim that people differ in type, with some being conditional cooperators and others being motivated by more or less sophisticated forms of self-interest. Stable cooperation requires, among other things, rules and institutions that protect conditional cooperators from myopically self-interested types. Additional empirical features of (...)
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  11.  89
    Comedy, Malice, and Philosophy in Plato’s Philebus.James Lewis Wood - 2007 - Ancient Philosophy 27 (1):77-94.
  12. Making the All‐Affected Principle Safe for Democracy.James Lindley Wilson - 2022 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 50 (2):169-201.
    Philosophy & Public Affairs, Volume 50, Issue 2, Page 169-201, Spring 2022.
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  13.  53
    The Influence of Abusive Supervision and Job Embeddedness on Citizenship and Deviance.James B. Avey, Keke Wu & Erica Holley - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (3):721-731.
    This paper draws from the turnover and emotions literatures to explore how job embeddedness, in the context of abusive supervision, can impact job frustration, citizenship withdrawal, and employee deviance. Results indicate that employees with abusive supervisors were more likely to be frustrated with their jobs and engage in more deviance behaviors. And yet, the relationship between abusive supervision and job frustration was moderated by job embeddedness such that the relationship was weaker and negative for those higher in job embeddedness and (...)
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  14.  79
    Between rock and a Harp place.James O. Young - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (1):78-81.
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  15.  35
    Relatively Speaking: The Coherence of Anti-Realist Relativism.James O. Young - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):503 - 509.
    The current debate between realists and anti-realists has brought to the fore some ancient questions about the coherence of relativism. Realism is the doctrine according to which the truth of sentences is determined by the way things really are. Truth is thus the result of a relation between sentences and reality. One species of anti-realism holds, on the contrary, the truth results from a relation between sentences within a theory: a sentence is true if warranted by a correct theory.
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  16. The province of functional psychology.James Rowland Angell - 1907 - Psychological Review 14 (2):61-91.
  17.  63
    Categorical effects in the perception of faces.James M. Beale & Frank C. Keil - 1995 - Cognition 57 (3):217-239.
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    Introduction: Alternative Epistemologies and the Imperative of an Afrocentric Mythology.Adeshina Afolayan, Olajumoke Yacob-Haliso & Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba - 2021 - In Pathways to Alternative Epistemologies in Africa. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1-16.
    In this chapter, the authors trace the epistemic challenge initiated by colonialism as part of its civilizing and modernizing missions, and the epistemological violence that undermined Africa’s knowledge systems. The chapter argues that the anticolonial and decolonization efforts have been more programmatic without pushing the boundary of decolonizing the epistemic basis of colonialism. The chapter then contends that decolonizing resistance can best be captured in the form of a reversed epistemic process that not only excavates Africa’s knowledge forms, Africanizes other (...)
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    Critical notice: Causality by Judea Pearl.James Woodward - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):321-340.
    This is a wonderful book; indeed, it is easily one of the most important and creative books I have ever read on the subject of causation and causal inference. Causality is impressive on many levels and should be of great interest to many different audiences. Philosophers will find of particular interest Pearl's defense of what might be described as a broadly manipulationist or interventionist treatment of causation: Causal claims have to do with what would happen under ideal, suitably surgical experimental (...)
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  20.  53
    Normative Theory and Descriptive Psychology in Understanding Causal Reasoning: The Role of Interventions and Invariance.James Woodward - unknown
    This paper, like its companion explores some ways in which, on the one hand, normative theorizing about causation and causal reasoning and, on the other, empirical psychological investigations into causal cognition can be mutually illuminating. The topics considered include the connection between causal claims and claims about the outcomes of interventions and the various ways that invariance claims figure in causal judgment.
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  21.  40
    In defence of colourization.James O. Young - 1988 - British Journal of Aesthetics 28 (4):368-372.
  22.  12
    (1 other version)Darwin and the Humanities.James Mark Baldwin - 1910 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 69:434-435.
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  23.  44
    I love you with all my brain: laying aside the intellectually dull sword of biological determinism.James C. Woodson - 2012 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 2.
    Background: By organizing and activating our passions with both hormones and experiences, the heart and mind of sexual behavior, sexual motivation, and sexual preference is the brain, the organ of learning. Despite decades of progress, this incontrovertible truth is somehow lost in the far-too-often biologically deterministic interpretation of genetic, hormonal, and anatomical scientific research into the biological origins of sexual motivation. Simplistic and polarized arguments are used in the media by both sides of the seemingly endless debate over sexual orientation, (...)
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  24.  18
    On the Good Life: Thinking Through the Intermediaries in Plato’s Philebus by Cristina Ionescu.James Wood - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 75 (1):147-148.
  25.  44
    Taming the Cosmic Rebel: The Place of the Errant Cause in the Timaeus.James Wood - 2014 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (2):267-286.
    This paper examines the errant cause in the Timaeus. After eliminating the material elements, matter, chōra, and irrational soul, I show that the source of cosmic disorder lies in the manifestation of difference in genesis. This disorder is a necessary feature of demiurgic formation, which requires generated beings to fall short of their paradigmatic forms and to encounter each other in destabilizing motions. Errancy is thus a threat to generated beings, but it also presents an opportunity and a task to (...)
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    Toward a New Understanding of Nature, Reality, and the Sacred: A Syllabus.James Yerkes - 1998 - Zygon 33 (3):431-442.
    Adjustments in the understanding of the relation of religion and science since the Enlightenment require new considerations in epistemology and metaphysics. Constructionist theories of knowledge and process theories of metaphysics better provide the new paradigms needed both to preserve and to limit the significance of each field of human understanding. In a course taught at Moravian College, this perspective is applied to the concepts of nature, reality, and the sacred, with a view to showing how we might develop one such (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Jerrold Levinson.James O. Young - 2012 - In Alessandro Giovannelli (ed.), Aesthetics: The Key Thinkers. New York: Continuum.
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  28. Jenefer Robinson, Deeper Than Reason: Emotion and its Role in Literature, Music, and Art Reviewed by.James O. Young - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (5):374-376.
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  29. Toward a received history of the holocaust.James E. Young - 1997 - History and Theory 36 (4):21–43.
    In this article, I examine both the problem of so-called postmodern history as it relates to the Holocaust and suggest the ways that Saul Friedlander's recent work successfully mediates between the somewhat overly polemicized positions of "relativist" and "positivist" history. In this context, I find that in his search for an adequately self-reflexive historical narrative for the Holocaust, Hayden White's proposed notion of "middle-voicedness" may recommend itself more as a process for eyewitness writers than as a style for historians after (...)
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    Phonological Abstraction in the Mental Lexicon.James M. McQueen, Anne Cutler & Dennis Norris - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (6):1113-1126.
    A perceptual learning experiment provides evidence that the mental lexicon cannot consist solely of detailed acoustic traces of recognition episodes. In a training lexical decision phase, listeners heard an ambiguous [f–s] fricative sound, replacing either [f] or [s] in words. In a test phase, listeners then made lexical decisions to visual targets following auditory primes. Critical materials were minimal pairs that could be a word with either [f] or [s] (cf. English knife–nice), none of which had been heard in training. (...)
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  31. Violence and Embodiment.James Mensch - 2008 - Symposium 12 (1):4-15.
    While the various forms of violence have been the subject of special studies, we lack a paradigm that would allow us to understand the different forms of violence (physical, social, cultural, structural, and so on) as aspects of a unified phenomenon. In this article, I shall take violence as destructive of sense or meaning. The relation of violence to embodiment arises through the role that the body plays in our making sense of the world. My claim is that violence is (...)
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  32.  36
    Analytic Theology as Declarative Theology.James M. Arcadi - 2017 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 1 (1):37-52.
    Analytic theology seeks to utilize conceptual tools and resources from contemporary analytic philosophy for ends that are properly theological. As a theological methodology relatively new movement in the academic world, this novelty might render it illegitimate. However, I argue that there is much in the recent analytic theological literature that can find a methodological antecedent championed in the fourteenth century known as declarative theology. In distinction from deductive theology—which seeks to extend the conclusions of theology beyond the articles of faith—declarative (...)
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  33. Fundamentals of Logic.James D. Carney & Richard K. Scheer - 1967 - Philosophy of Science 34 (1):76-77.
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    Cultures of Ambivalence and Contempt: Studies in Jewish-non-Jewish Relations : Essays in Honour of the Centenary of the Birth of James Parkes.S. Jones, James William Parkes, Sarah Pearce & Tony Kushner - 1998
    This collection of essays focuses on the concepts of tolerance and intolerance as it commemorates the life of James Parkes - the man who pioneered the study of antisemitism and Jewish-non-Jewish relations. The essays analyse many different examples of antisemitism, ambivalence and philosemitism.
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    Resolute Readings of the Tractatus.James Conant & Silver Bronzo - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 175–194.
    A spectator of the passing philosophical scene, recently encountering the current controversy about “resolute readings” of the Tractatus, might be forgiven for finding it difficult to figure out what the debate is supposed to be about and who exactly is on which side and why. This chapter demonstrates, through a reconstruction of some relevant features of “the” debate, that at one point there are in fact several orthogonal debates taking place, confusedly cast as contributions to a single debate. It indicates (...)
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  36.  31
    Mental Development in the Child and the Race. Methods and Process.James Mark Baldwin - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4 (2):232.
  37.  60
    Can Science Explain Religion?: The Cognitive Science Debate.James William Jones - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The "New Atheist" movement of recent years has put the science-versus-religion controversy back on the popular cultural agenda. Anti-religious polemicists are convinced that the application of the new sciences of the mind to religious belief gives them the final weapons in their battle against irrationality and superstition. What used to be a trickle of research papers scattered in specialized scientific journals has now become a torrent of books, articles, and commentary in the popular media pressing the case that the cognitive (...)
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  38. Kuhn, Thomas S.James A. Marcum - 2015 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Thomas S. Kuhn Thomas Samuel Kuhn, although trained as a physicist at Harvard University, became an historian and philosopher of science through the support of Harvard’s president, James Conant. In 1962, Kuhn’s renowned The Structure of Scientific Revolutions helped to inaugurate a revolution—the 1960s historiographic revolution—by providing a new image of science. For … Continue reading Kuhn, Thomas S. →.
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  39. 'Labyrinthus Continui': Leibniz on Substance, Activity, and Matter.James E. McGuire - 1976 - In Peter K. Machamer & Robert G. Turnbull (eds.), Motion and Time, Space and Matter. Ohio State University Press. pp. 290--326.
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    The Variable Spellings of the Hebrew Bible: The Schweich Lectures 1986.Ziony Zevit & James Barr - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):647.
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    Character education in UK schools: research report.James Arthur, Kristján Kristjánsson, David Walker, Wouter Sanderse & Chantel Jones - unknown
    The research project described in this report represents one of the most extensive studies of character education ever undertaken, including over 10,000 students and 255 teachers in schools across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Research techniques consisted of a mixture of surveys, moral dilemmas and semi-structured interviews. This report explores: - The current situation in character education, both in the UK and internationally - How developed British students are with respect to moral character and the extent to which they (...)
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  42.  73
    A Brief Remark on Energy Conditions and the Geroch-Jang Theorem.James Owen Weatherall - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (2):209-214.
    The status of the geodesic principle in General Relativity has been a topic of some interest in the recent literature on the foundations of spacetime theories. Part of this discussion has focused on the role that a certain energy condition plays in the proof of a theorem due to Bob Geroch and Pong-Soo Jang [“Motion of a Body in General Relativity.” Journal of Mathematical Physics16(1) (1975)] that can be taken to make precise the claim that the geodesic principle is a (...)
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    Ultrafilters on ω.James E. Baumgartner - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (2):624-639.
    We study the I-ultrafilters on ω, where I is a collection of subsets of a set X, usually R or ω 1 . The I-ultrafilters usually contain the P-points, often as a small proper subset. We study relations between I-ultrafilters for various I, and closure of I-ultrafilters under ultrafilter sums. We consider, but do not settle, the question whether I-ultrafilters always exist.
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    (7 other versions)Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, etc.James Mark Baldwin - 1902 - International Journal of Ethics 13 (1):114-121.
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  45. Protecting rainforest realism: James Ladyman, Don Ross: Everything must go: metaphysics naturalized, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 368 £49.00 HB.P. Kyle Stanford, Paul Humphreys, Katherine Hawley, James Ladyman & Don Ross - 2010 - Metascience 19 (2):161-185.
    Reply in Book Symposium on James Ladyman, Don Ross: 'Everything must go: metaphysics naturalized', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
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  46.  91
    On the Resurrection of the Dead: A New Metaphysics of Afterlife for Christian Thought.James T. Turner - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Christian tradition has largely held three affirmations on the resurrection of the physical body. Firstly, that bodily resurrection is not a superfluous hope of afterlife. Secondly, there is immediate post-mortem existence in Paradise. Finally, there is numerical identity between pre-mortem and post-resurrection human beings. The same tradition also largely adheres to a robust doctrine of The Intermediate State, a paradisiacal disembodied state of existence following the biological death of a human being. This book argues that these positions are in fact (...)
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    Tree leaf talk: a Heideggerian anthropology.James F. Weiner - 2001 - Oxford ; New York: Berg.
    This is the first book to explore the relationship between Martin Heidegger's work and modern anthropology. Heidegger attracts much scholarly interest among social scientists, but few have explored his ideas in relation to current anthropological debates. The discipline's modernist foundations, the nature of cultural constructionism and of art ñ even what an anthropology of art must include ñ are all informed and illuminated by Heidegger's work. The author argues that many contemporary anthropologists, in their concern to return subjectivity and 'voice' (...)
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  48.  19
    Of Good Character: Exploration of Virtues and Values in 3-25 Year-Olds.James Arthur - 2010 - Imprint Academic.
    There has been across the world a resurgence of interest in ‘values education’ at school education, research and policy levels. In Australia the Australian Values Education projects led to the government initiating a number of large scale curriculum developments and resources projects as part of its expressed policy to introduce values education programmes in all schools. UNESCO has its own values education programme, entitled Living Values that functions in 84 countries. In the United Kingdom, the introduction of the National Curriculum (...)
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  49.  40
    Theory and practice in the philosophy of David Hume.James Wiley - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Hume and the problem of theory and practice in philosophy and political theory -- Hume's naturalism and skepticism in the treatise and his appeal from theory to practice -- The systematic theory of theory of the treatise of human nature -- The behaviorist theory of practice of the treatise -- The practical philosophies of skepticism and commercial humanism -- The common sense theory of theory of the enquiries, essays, and history of England -- The common sense theory of practice of (...)
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  50.  27
    Overconfidence in ignorant experts.James V. Bradley - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (2):82-84.
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